One of the most common running injuries is peroneal tendonitis. “Peroneal” refers to a bodily structure that supports or is adjacent to the fibula (the smaller bone in the back of the leg), in this case, the tendons. A tendon is the band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone.

This condition is a type of overuse injury of the peroneal tendons, which extend past the outer ankle and connect to the bones at the bases of the big toe and little toe. When either the peroneus brevis or the peroneus longus becomes inflamed or suffers a tear, it results in peroneal tendonitis.

Pain from peroneal tendonitis is felt on the outside of the foot and ankle. Because the peroneal tendons stabilize the foot and ankle, if the tendons become inflamed, your foot stability may be compromised. It can also make it difficult to walk, much less run.

Physical therapy is a key part of the treatment for peroneal tendonitis. Let’s talk about a few of the most popular exercises that you can do to relieve symptoms of peroneal tendonitis, and where you can go in Cincinnati for professional podiatry help to regain strength, mobility, and function around your foot and ankle.

Physical Therapy Exercises for Peroneal Tendonitis

Three of the simplest and most effective stretches and exercises you can do yourself to help relieve the symptoms of peroneal tendonitis are the calf stretch, the hamstring stretch, and the golf ball massage:

Calf Stretch

These stretches boost tendon healing, prevent adhesion (when a tendon connects to the wrong adjacent tissue during the healing process), and improve range of motion. Stretching the calves therefore benefits the peroneal tendons. To do a calf stretch with a towel:

  • Sit on the floor, with the affected leg extended in front of you and the other leg bent upward at the knee. (The bent leg will provide support.)
  • Wrap the towel around the toes of the affected leg, with your hands holding each end of the towel.
  • Gently pull the towel toward your torso. You should feel a stretch in your calf. You may feel a bit of discomfort, but you should not feel pain; if you do, stop the stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch with the other foot.
  • Perform this exercise three times with each leg.

Hamstring Stretch

You can use the same towel to stretch your hamstrings. For this stretch, you must avoid bending the other knee. To do the exercise:

  • Lie down on the floor on your back.
  • Raise the knee of the affected leg, bent upward.
  • Loop the towel around your foot on the affected leg.
  • Slowly straighten the knee while simultaneously pulling back on the towel gently.
  • Once you feel the stretch (but without pain), hold the stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch with the other foot.
  • Perform this exercise three times with each leg.

Golf Ball Massage

You can do this exercise with a golf ball or another hard, round object. The massage will help to loosen tight muscles in the foot. To do the exercise:

  • Sit in a chair.
  • Place the ball on the floor, underneath the arch of the foot.
  • Slowly put your weight on the ball, rolling it forward and backward, while maintaining the pressure.
  • Keep doing the foot massage for one to two minutes.
  • Repeat with the other foot.

Peroneal Tendonitis Treatment in Cincinnati, OH

For any issues with your foot and ankle, trust the board-certified foot and ankle doctors at Cincinnati Foot & Ankle Care. Our treatments are comprehensive and highly individualized to your needs. We will make sure you understand what will help your tendons heal completely so you can return to your normal activities as quickly as possible.

To schedule an appointment with one of our outstanding podiatrists, call our podiatry clinic nearest you or fill out our convenient appointment request form online now. We look forward to providing you with proven treatments for peroneal tendonitis that will help bring an end to your ankle pain.