A stabbing sensation in your heel that gets worse after long periods of standing is one of the telling signs of plantar fasciitis. And if the pain is worst in the morning, it’s even more likely that that’s the diagnosis you’ll hear.

You might be wondering why you suffer from this odd-sounding condition. Plantar fasciitis is actually one of the most common causes of foot pain in the United States.

The thick, strong band of tissue in your foot that connects the heel bone to the toes is called the plantar fascia. One of the signs that it’s inflamed is a stabbing pain in the heel.

Plantar fasciitis pain usually responds well to foot stretches and exercises. The pain may be temporarily relieved this way, but it may return if you do not address the root cause. Let’s talk about what those causes might be.

Reasons Why You May Have Plantar Fasciitis

With this condition, your plantar fascia membrane along the bottom of your foot is either injured or inflamed. This causes a dull, sharp, or stabbing pain and/or swelling.

The most common reasons for developing plantar fasciitis are:

#1: Advanced Age

As we get older, we become more prone to developing plantar fasciitis. The reason for this is that the plantar fascia band in the foot loses its elasticity. Plus, the layer of fat that helps to absorb shock becomes thinner.

#2: High-Impact Activities

Repeated hard impact on the heel, especially without proper stretching and footwear, can also cause plantar fasciitis. This includes jogging, running, jumping – any high-impact activity that adds lots of pressure on the feet and heels. Plantar fasciitis is common among athletes such as long-distance runners.

#3: Being Overweight

If you’re overweight, you are prone to developing many health problems – and plantar fasciitis is just one of them. For the same reason that pregnant women are prone to developing this condition, extra weight increases pressure on the plantar fasciae in the feet.

#4: Your Job

eIf your profession entails standing for long periods of time, that could cause plantar fasciitis. The risk is doubled if your job also requires you to be active while you’re on your feet. Some examples are police, restaurant servers, flight attendants, and factory workers.

#5: Physical Problems

A shorter plantar fascia creates a high arch in the foot, and a longer band can create flatfoot. Too-high arches and too-flat feet are risk factors for developing plantar fasciitis because they affect balance. Custom orthotics are usually recommended to correct structural abnormalities of the foot.

#6: Improper Footwear

Bad footwear with lack of support specific to your type of feet can also result in plantar fasciitis. A licensed podiatrist might recommend that you wear custom orthotics which are specially engineered for your feet.

Foot Doctors in Cincinnati

Although plantar fasciitis is fairly common, it should be treated and not ignored – just as you wouldn’t ignore arthritis pain. It is important that you have your foot pain diagnosed by a highly trained, experienced, and licensed podiatrist.

Our podiatrists at Cincinnati Foot & Ankle Care are here to help address your foot pain and offer a variety of treatment options. Whether you’re seeking noninvasive treatment options or you need foot surgery, our foot doctors will work to help you manage your condition.

Contact the office nearest you to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment online. We look forward to seeing you and helping you feel better.